There is a photographer I know, and as of recently a good friend of mine, Misty Minna, who asked me to help her shoot a wedding in Big Rapids last month. I've had a lot of work of my own to work on but I finally got a few free minutes to work a couple of my faves from the lovely wedding of Jonathan & Johanna, care of Misty Minna Photography.
Again, this wedding was my first assisting job ever... by the way I love it! All the fun (photographing!) and none of the fuss (editing!), although I still love doing weddings of my own. So thanks a bunch to Misty for the opportunity to work with you! Everyone should check out her blog on Jonathan and Johanna for more AMAZING images that she has created.
Enjoy a couple shots below!
^Part of being the assistant, apparently in mine and Misty's worlds, means you get to take care of the guys in the wedding party... more of the good-looking fellas to below.
^Playing with the macro function on my Nikkor.
^There's our handsome groom!