Monday, December 7, 2009

Billy & Shannon's Engagement Session

December 6, 2009

As the year quickly draws to a close, I've been super busy. Most of it is behind the scenes photo work prepping and meeting and emailing my new 2010 brides. And for the first time this year, I got to meet one of my new couples, Shannon and Billy! Shannon chose me to be her photographer within a day of getting to see my work. I was so excited to meet her and her fiance that I drove all the way across the state to busy Metro Detroit to do their engagement photos!

Luckily I have some family on the east side so I got to hang out with my Aunt Kim and cousin Jeff, who so kindly accompanied and directed me around the city since I'm not familiar with it at all. We met Billy and Shannon at Campus Martius and wandered around looking for interesting spots to take their photos, all the while trying to stay warm because it was a 32 degree day!

We went to Hart Plaza, down by the Detroit River along the Riverwalk and into the Renaissance Center to get our shots. I think we did a pretty decent job hunting up some good backgrounds. Thanks again to Billy and Shannon and an extra special thanks to Aunt Kim and Jeff for their assistance.

My photo
Capturing moments, creating memories.