Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Mike & Jenny: Congratulations! (Grand Rapids Wedding Photographer)

July 12, 2024

Tomorrow is the big day! 

Jenny is my husband's cousin, so I've known her for a long time. She and her two sons live in Indiana and we'd see them a few times a year when they came to visit my mother-in-law, Jenny's Aunt Charyl. 

It was wonderful to hear that Jenny had met someone special and was going to tie the knot. We had the pleasure of meeting Mike just this past year. They had just gotten engaged, and they had come up for a few of us Michigan family members to meet him. I was so excited to find out that she was finally getting her happily ever after! 

Oddly enough, earlier this summer, I had been wondering when Jenny and Mike were going to have their wedding. Literally the next week, Jenny messaged me to ask if we could set up some wedding portraits in July, even though it wasn't going to take place until August. I jumped at the chance. She said she'd been wanting to do photos with me for years and this was the perfect time!

On July 12, we made a mini-elopement of it, and it was so much fun. Jenny brought all her details, she had her makeup done by the amazing Jasmine of Rosehand Art at the studio, and Mike even rented a tux for the occasion. We did a first look, I got to use my studio for wedding things FINALLY, and then adventured out into Grand Rapids for a bit to capture some awesome images of the happy couple.

But TOMORROW, August 8, is the day these two are actually making it official with a courthouse ceremony down in Indiana. So in honor of their real big day, I wanted take this #WeddingWednesday to share their gorgeous images from July.

I'm so happy for you Jenny, and so glad that the cute little boy you first met in kindergarten came back to you! Congratulations to you both, you really deserve so much happiness!

My photo
Capturing moments, creating memories.