Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Sneak Peek: Nick & Marcela

July 17, 2021

This past weekend, my family took a LONG drive west and got to be a part of a very special day for my brother-in-law. He finally got to marry his beautiful fiance, Marcela, and we had a great little trip in the process! These two are such an amazing couple and unfortunately, they haven't been able to spend much time together in the last year, due to COVID and living in different countries. Nick lives in Kansas while Marcela is from and was living in Chile up until a few weeks ago. Their wedding certainly wasn't a traditional one in many ways, but it was so much fun. Nick and Marcela are both very adventurous and practice jiu jitsu (Nick is a blue belt and Marcela is a purple belt), and they held their wedding in the dojo they attend in Lawrence, Kansas. My little ladies were their ring bearers and even wore their own gis for the ceremony. Lots more to come but for now, enjoy a few sneak peeks from our exciting weekend wedding!

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Capturing moments, creating memories.